Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Kit was sent to....

Margit who will be bringing her kit to a tropical island for vacation! Really! I'm not making this up! She liked the "tropical getaway/beach" theme of the kit. Visit her site to see the truckload (ok, a suitcase full) of yarn that she's taking with her on her trip.

The stich markers were fun and easy to make. I visited a local bead shop, and the owner was very helpful. She wasn't a knitter, but I brought in some purchased stitch markers for an example. She showed me some beading/jewelry techniques, and selected the right gauge of wire and a great wire cutter. The stitch markers came out much better after visiting the shop and with a bit of practice.

Meanwhile, Dad's socks are progressing very slowly. Usually, it takes a week for me to finish a pair of socks. Between bringing work home, working late, and trying to keep up with the housework, there's been less knitting time. Too much work, and too little personal and family time.

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