Monday, August 21, 2006

My Chicken Story

This is embarrassing but true! I live in a large city, and went to a small quickie market near a major road to buy the Sunday newspaper. I was a bit surprised to see a black chicken on the sidewalk just outside the store. I joked with the attendant about the store raising its own chickens. He said that he had tried to catch it, but couldn't. I felt bad for the chicken as it curled up near the pay telephone outside. I felt bad about doing nothing about the chicken, worried that it might be hit by a car or cause an accident, and when I got home, I ended up calling the police (the routine number not 911!) It was REALLY embarrassing, having to apologize and all for calling for such a trivial thing (and as my DH said, it's only 69 cents a pound). The dispatch actually said that they would send someone to check it out. Imagine the police officer's embarrassment to be sent to a call concerning a chicken! Sorry officer!

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