Saturday, August 18, 2007


Beginning in July, I've started (sock) knitting for the family for Christmas. The tally is four completed, and two pairs on the needles. The last pair completed is the blue pair below, in Cherry Tree Hill yarn, using a Nancy Bush pattern, Conwy, from her book, "Knitting on the Road". The bright red socks are Sockamania's July Serpentine Socks.

The August pattern for Sockamania is a Spiralling pattern, which was started approximately a week ago. As a cable-lover, I enjoyed the Serpentine socks better, but the spiral pattern is interesting as well. Am still on sock #1 as knitting time was limited last week. After finishing this pattern, I'll take a break from the Christmas knitting, and knit a pair for Socks for Soldiers.

Progress so far on August Sockamania:
The yarn is Opal, and the colorway is "Frosch". Yep, the pictures on the labels always help, as the label is almost totally written in German. Learning Latin in high school has helped me greatly but doesn't help me in the least with deciphering German! There are pics of some other colorways on the label as well.

Opal's "Tiger" colorway looks like fun, and has the color of a Siberian Tiger, or perhaps, my marmalade tiger:

1 comment:

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Hi. Cathy. I see you are in the accounting industry - I'm a CPA and worked for Deloitte & Touche for a few years a long, long time ago :) Still maintain my license, believe it or not. LOL. What a cute putty cat and what a lot of gorgeous socks you have knit!.