Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Great day to snuggle up to the yarn stash

It's been sleeting all day, and the temperatures are predicted to pludge into the single digits in the upcoming days. School was cancelled, as well as many activities at night. It's been almost a no-winter winter this year, with moderate temperatures and no lingering snow, while many parts of the country which typically get little snow getting the big storms.

It is a great day to rummage through the yarn stash. Sometimes I buy yarn which I like, without a specific project in mind, and decide what to do with it later. This summer, I bought two skeins of (mostly red) Noro Big Kureyon, but didn't have a specific project in mind. Made two different hats out of the skeins and still have a bit of yarn left. This hat is a newer style (the beanie)

and this hat is an older, more traditional style.

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