Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy New Year!

It's been two months since I posted, and the first post of the New Year. Have been doing quite a bit of sock knitting for family, from Christmas presents to after Christmas presents. Mom received her socks and loved them, as did Wendy, Mark and Dave. It was their first pair of handknit socks. Also made two tiny pair of socks for a baby shower, and a pair for myself using Opal yarn and a favorite Nancy Bush cable pattern:

Currently on the needles is the second sock of a pair of MAN SOCKS using navy blue Regia.

Note: I've noticed that while the Knitpick Essential yarn was softer than some of the other sock yarns, it had a tendency to get fuzzy over time after machine washing, something that hasn't happened with other brands (which were superwash) that I've tried. Has anyone has this problem?

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