Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sleet, Snow, and Socks for Soldiers

Just when it seemed that spring was here, the Northeast - along with much of the northern half of the country - was hit by a storm which included snow, and sleet. It began as snow Friday morning, then switched to sleet around 4 pm, and ended early this morning. Traveling home from work yesterday was very slow and slippery, as I traveled 10-20 mph all the way over poorly plowed or unplowed roads. Today, it's sunny and starting to melt.

This morning, I spied the wild turkey in the woods. He likes to visit on an almost daily basis, and often likes to perch on the deck railing and is not perturbed by our two cats and a dog.

This week I've been working on the second pair of BBS (Big Black Socks) for Socks for Soldiers . Will finish up the first sock today, and start the second. The second pair is easier than the first. The long 12" of ribbing for the cuff is the hardest part.
Kim, aka Sarge, leads the SFS group, and often runs contests, and awards yarn to be used for BBS or for leisure socks for the troops. The grey and blue yarn was a prize, and will be the next sock project.

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