Last week, I mailed two pairs of Men's leisure socks to Socks for Soldiers. This brings my contribution to date to 6 pairs. I'm definitely not a big supporter of the war in Iraq, however, my hope is that the handknit socks will bring some comfort to our soldiers, and remind them of home.
Knitting for Christmas is going pretty well. OTN is the Snowflake Sock design from Fall 2007 Interweave Knits. It's been a while since I've knit a two color design, and they were a bit tight at first. This actually will work out better, as they will fit my younger niece. Finished sock #1, and expect to finish the second sock later in the week. It was really tough going until I enlarged the pattern on the copier. In the magazine, the snowflake chart is 27 sts wide and 14 rows high, yet was only 1 x 2 inches.
I really love the new Interweave Magazine. Before receiving this issue, I was thinking about cancelling the magazine. The projects were a bit too trendy, and there were too many larger projects, and too few smaller projects in it. This month's was a good mix of trendy and traditional, small and large projects, and will better fit the wide range of family and friends I'm knitting for. The new editor really made an impact with her first issue.

I really love the new Interweave Magazine. Before receiving this issue, I was thinking about cancelling the magazine. The projects were a bit too trendy, and there were too many larger projects, and too few smaller projects in it. This month's was a good mix of trendy and traditional, small and large projects, and will better fit the wide range of family and friends I'm knitting for. The new editor really made an impact with her first issue.
Today began with a trip to the Coventry Farmer's Market. This Sunday, it was called "Fiber Twist". It was a small fairgrounds and there were lots of people! In addition to the fruit, vegetables, maple syrup and jams, there were goats, llama, sheep, and angora rabbits, and all types of fiber artists. The demonstration of yarn dyeing was interesting, and there were quite a few spinners. DH noticed that all of the spinners were pedaling wearing only socks; I wonder if this is very common? We picked up some jam (raspberry rhubarb), vegetables, and two skeins of yarn (great self-restraint!).
We ate lunch out, and had a nice walk along the beach. Back home, and time to catch up on housework, and later some cooking.
I like quiche, and I cook every day, but this is the first time that I've made quiche.