Spent a wonderful Sunday on Block Island. The temperature at home was forecast to be over 90 degrees, and a day trip to the shore was just the thing to do. The ferry ride seemed to go quickly, even for my landlubber DH. It had been years since I last visited, when the children were babies. The Island, in many instances was the same- the "downtown harbour area" had the same hotels and buildings, however, there was much that was different. There seemed to be a great deal more bicycle and moped rentals, and a few more storefronts.

When we originaly planned the trip, we thought that we might rent mopeds, but instead, decided to walk. I think that some of the things that we saw that day we would have missed on a moped. We walked a couple of nature conservacy trails, saw some interesting birds:

and an unexpected collection of animals which a hotel kept.
I'm not even sure what animal this was, way up in the pasture. It might be a Yak, or water buffalo, or something else? It was very shaggy. The only sign called this animal
Mr. McGruff, and warned people to stay away from its horns.

We had lunch and a drink in a nice hotel restaurant which had a large covered porch.
By the end of the day, we were exhausted by all the walking: along the shore, nature trails, through town. Maybe next time we'll try the mopeds, and a swim.